Welcome to the AP History Study Page. The basic idea of this web page is to form a big study group for AP American History, because AP history is hard as hell. The main part of the page is a vocabulary section where everyone will submit a paragraph on a couple of vocab words assigned to them (from Mrs. Wyatt's sheets). We need everyone's participation to have this work though. So if you're interested please send me (Mac Bubb) or Dave Baldini an e-mail. Also, tell everyone you know who takes AP History about this page, we need everyone to participate. Thanks for you're time.

*** The AP History Study Page is a study tool. It is not a tool for cheating. In fact we hate all cheating and look down upon you if you do. If you haven't signed up to participate then you are cheating..***

2/8/98- Updated the vocab section. Alot of people haven't turned in their words yet. The odd classes have a quiz tommorow. Good luck.

2/5/98- Chapter 13 id assignments are out. They're due in by Saturday (2/7). Make sure you read over the guidelines listed at the top of the vocab page. We've recieved critizism about the quality of the ids being turned in. Our critic has said that we need to do more than define the words, that we need to know the significance of them. So keep that in mind when you do this set of ids.

2/2/98- The page has moved! I'm now at tripod, because I like it better here. I've arranged the vocab section differently. It's a bit more organized now.

1/27/98- Exam started today. I've been posting all of the ids I recieve. We had to reassign several ids because people didn't do them. The people that didn't do their ids are on our bad side now. We'll define our policy people not doing their words after exams. Good luck everyone!

1/25/98- I'm continuing to update the exam review. There are a bunch of people who didn't turn in they're ids. The deal is, if you don't do the ids, then using the notes on quizes is cheating. So Mrs. Wyatt will stop you. I guess it doesn't matter for the exam review because you can't use notes on the exam. But if you didn't do you're ids you're on Dave and I's bad side.



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